Learn the history of wine, before wine
The visit to such a unique building is a walk through history through wine. To tour Casa Primicia is to travel through the tunnel of time, searching for the essence of a region that has made the fruit of the vine its raison d'être. An attempt, in short, to find the true history of wine... before wine.
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Duration of the visits: Approximately 75 min. First visit the installations and then taste our wines. Amount of persons: Limited forum. Our installations are very old, so visits are always made with very small groups. Children: Children are welcome in Casa Primicia. They should always be accompanied by an adult. Languages: Spanish, English Request your language in advance for confirmation.

Casa Primicia Tour
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Varietal Tour
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Eco Tour
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5 Star Tour
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Trío de Ases
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Cita Vertical Pensante
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Enjoy the incomparable experience of having lunch in the oldest building in Laguardia, the place where the history of wine started in Rioja Alavesa And if you prefer the direct contact with the land and the vine, we offer you the possibility of enjoying a magnificent grill over vine shoots in Carravalseca, an outstanding garden among vineyards protected by the Cantabria Mountains.